Heinävesi is well-known for its monas­ter­ies and Heinävesi’s route with its canals is part of the Finnish nation­al land­scape.

1.1.Beautiful Canal Region
Heinävesi Route and it´s six canals The nar­row and wind­ing water­ways, the island-open lakes and old canals make Heinävesi’s route a unique ensem­ble. This must be expe­ri­enced at least once in a life­time! The canal­i­sa­tion of the Heinävesi route began in the late 1800s, and there are six canals on-route. Karvio’s canal opened a fer­ry route from Kuo­pio to Heinävesi, when it was com­plet­ed in 1896. Ker­ma, Vihovuonne and Pilp­pa canals above Ker­ma­järvi, were built in the years 1903–1906. This opened up a fer­ry route to Savon­lin­na. Varis­taipale and Taival­lahti were dug in 1911- 1916. Out of these, Varistaipale’s four-cham­ber canal has Finland’shighest d rop of 14.5 metres.

1.2. Go on a Cruise

Ms. Pui­jo cruis­es on the Heinävesi route 3.7.–5.8.2017
Saimaan Laiva­matkat
Tel. +358 15 250 250

Ms. Sergei Cruis­es
Ms. Sergei trav­els from the Valamo Monastery to the canals, and Lin­tu­la Monastery or Juo­järvi. In July, there are the­atre cruis­es to Karvio Sum­mer The­atre at the week­ends. Also char­ter cruis­es. Karvio’s resort/Monastery cruis­es

Tel. +358 17 563 603  17 570 111

1.3 Water and nature

Kolovesi Nation­al Park
A wilder­ness envi­ron­ment, where you can qui­et down at the shore of Lake Saimaa. Rugged cliff s and ancient rock paint­ings tell of the mil­len­nia coex­is­tence of nature and human beings. The Saimaa ringed seals can also be seen in the area. The Nation­al Park waters are excel­lent for canoe­ing and row­ing. There are two marked nature trails in the region: Nahki­aissa­lo 3.3 km and Män­tysa­lo 3.8 km.
www.luontoon.fi /kolovesi

Lake Ker­ma­järvi Nature Reserve is a peace­ful water excur­sion des­ti­na­tion­in the cent re of the beau­ti­ful nation­al land­scape. You can come for acou­ple of  days or boat­ing, canoein­gor fish­ing. The beau­ti­ful lake-side scenery is all in its nat­ur­al state and the area’s back­woods are won­der­ful for berry pick­ing. A view of open waters that cut through the island chains opens from the Heinävesi Water Route. This route leads from Savon­lin­na via Heinävesi to Kuo­pio and is con­sid­ered one of Finland’s most beau­ti­ful fer­ry routes. Ker­ma­järvi  is a nation­al­ly impor­tant land­scape and nature reserve.  
www. nationalparks.fi /kermajarvi

Heinävesi Route  for canoe­ing Heinävesi route along the nation­al land­scape from Valamo Monastery to Säynämö’s camp­ing site that runs a route of 80 km. Along the way there are also all six canals of the Heinävesi route. Along  the route, good accom­mo­da­tion and  restau­rant ser­vices. Map on Google maps: Heinäve­den kanava­soutu  

1.4. Port ser­vices along the Heinävesi Route

2) Ker­man­vir­ta beach



4)Heinävesi Vis­i­tor pier of the vil­lage

5)Karvio resort

6)Neste Karvionkana­va



9)Papinniemi at Valamo

2. Activ­i­ties

2.1. Fish­ing

The numer­ous cur­rent and rapids areas in the region and exten­sive water areas make it a true fisherman´s  dream des­ti­na­tion.

Rapids area of Karvio
Neste Karvionkana­va tel. +358 17 563 569

Rapids area of Ker­ma
Neste Heinävesi tel. +358 400 456 124
Ker­makei­das tel. +358 17 566 191
Ker­mankos­ki kiosk  (dur­ing the sum­mer)

Ker­ma­järvi lure fish­ing area

Neste Heinävesi tel. +358 400 456 124
Ker­mankei­das tel. +358 17 566 191
K‑Market Karvio  tel. +358 563 551

Kolovesi lure per­mit area
Neste Heinävesi tel. +358 400 456 124

Juo­järvi-Rikkavesi lure per­mit area


(Heinävesi Musta­lampi fish­ing per­mit)

Neste Heinävesi tel. +358 400 456 124

Palok­ki ponds

Vil­ho Pykäläi­nen tel. +358 40 593 1444
Ront­topuis­to (dur­ing the sum­mer)) tel. +358 17 563 188

Fish­ing trips:

Tuplatärp­pi Fish­ing Trips Fish­ing Trips in North­ern Saimaa’s land­scapes at Lake Ker­ma­järvi, in Orivesi and the Heinävesi route.
Tel. +358 44 516 45 33

2.2. Nature spots

Mat­ti­la Farm

Nature reserve for­est and nature tourism farm in Vihtari, Heinävesi.

Nature path. Guid­ed tours.Café

Pirteä Päs­si Oy,  Savon­ran­nantie 12a, 79940 Vihtari.
Tel.: +358 40 547 3885 or +358 040 545 6472.
[email protected]  or  [email protected]


Heinävesi tree species park

The tree species park has been estab­lished mid-1990s to Raam­in­mä­ki, 4.5 km south from Heinävesi vil­lage. The park was ren­o­vat­ed in 2015–16. The sur­face area of the area is 3.7 hectares and there are 54 dif­fer­ent tree species. Each species is pre­sent­ed on the infor­ma­tion board with a QR code. There is a 840 m long path through the area and a rest area has been built on the ruins of the old dry­ing barn.
More infor­ma­tion: www.heinavesi.fi

obser­va­tion tow­er A tow­er, which over­looks Heinävesi’s forest­ed hills and Kermajärvi’s shim­mer­ing ridges. The tow­er is sit­u­at­ed 3 km from the cen­tre towards Varkaus.

Nature trips:

Lake­land GTE — pro­gramme ser­vices

Nature tours on an adven­ture bus, seal safaris and cruis­es on the Ecoboat
Injun pad­dling, fish­ing, and oth­er nature expe­ri­ences. In a radius of 100 kilo­me­tres from Varkaus and in the nation­al parks of

Kolovesi and Lin­nansaari.
Tel. +358 400 966 800

2.3. Oth­er activ­i­ties

Ice­landic horse

sta­ble Dagur

Kukkakallion­tie 6, Viljo­lahti

Tel. +358 40 5874 500


Fris­bee Golf

In the vicin­i­ty of the sports field, a 9‑hole Fris­bee golf

course. Infor­ma­tion board in front of the Sports Hall,

Kent­tätie 6, Heinävesi


Heinävesi Cen­tre

Ker­man­ran­ta beach

and div­ing tow­er.

Tel. +358 40 836 7035

Sports cen­tre
Ten­nis, ath­let­ic and foot­ball field, fris­bee golf course
Kent­tätie 6, Heinävesi

Tel. +358 40 836 7035

2.4. Win­ter activ­i­ties

Ski trails in Heinävesi cen­tre, in Ker­ma and in North­ern Heinävesi.

Illu­mi­nat­ed trails: Pääskyvuori, Heinävesi cen­tre  and Valamo Monastery.

Down­load the ski track map to your mobile: https://careliaforest.fi/reittikartat.html

Down­hill ski­ing
Ski Cen­tre Pääskyvuori

A reformed ski cen­tre for the whole fam­i­ly

in the vicin­i­ty of the Heinävesi cen­tre.

Four slopes, height dif­fer­ence 102 m, longest slope 700 m

New snow­park in shape every day.

Equip­ment hire, ski school, slope cafe.

Con­nec­tion to ski tracks and snow­mo­bile routes.

Pääskyvuoren­tie 9, Heinävesi

Tel. +358 45 609 2790


Snow­mo­bile routes

The 160-km-long snow­mo­bile route net­work

is main­tained by the munic­i­pal­i­ty

sub­ject to snow and ice con­di­tions between

15.1. – 31.3. The routes are main­tained once a week as nec­es­sary.

Infor­ma­tion on the use and con­di­tion of the routes can be found

on the snow­mo­bil­ers’ web­site: www.heinavedenmk.net.

Down­load the route map to your mobile: https://careliaforest.fi/reittikartat.html

Ice skat­ing

Ice skat­ing area in Heinävesi cen­tre

and Karvio School’s ice rink.

Win­ter swim­ming
At the har­bour of the Heinävesi cen­tre.
The hole is illu­mi­nat­ed and equipped with a

pump. There is a sauna reserved for

the use of win­ter swim­mers.

Tel. +358 40 836 7035

Vari­ran­ta in Varis­taipale

sauna by appoint­ment

Tel. + 358 40 529 8638

3. Attrac­tions

Numer­ous attrac­tions and cul­tur­al sites offer a vis­i­tor to a region an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence

Peace and tran­quil­li­ty in the midst of every­day life can be found in the monas­ter­ies. You can

get in touch with the old days of life by explor­ing muse­ums and cul­tur­al attrac­tions.

3.1. Valamo Monastery

After the wars, the monks who were

evac­u­at­ed from Laa­tok­ka, Valamo’s

island, set­tled in Heinävesi’s Pap­in­nie­mi.

In recent years, high-qual­i­ty

art exhi­bi­tions have been fea­tured

at the monastery. The monastery area

has three church­es, three chapels,

a cul­tur­al cen­tre offer­ing cours­es,

Restau­rant Trape­sa, the monastery

shop Tuo­hus, wine shop, the

monastery hotel and guest­hous­es.

Vala­m­on­tie 42, 79850 Uusi-Valamo

Tel. +358 17 570 111

or +358 17 810 5701


3.2. Lin­tu­la Holy Trin­i­ty Con­vent

Lin­tu­la Holy Trin­i­ty Con­vent is

open to vis­i­tors dai­ly from June

to August, as well as on request

in May and Sep­tem­ber-Octo­ber.

The monastery has a café, sou­venir

shop, guest rooms and guid­ed tours.

Honkasa­lo 3, 79830 Palok­ki

Tel. office +358 40 485 7603, cafe +358 485 7558, shop +358 40 485 7570


3.3. Heinävesi Cul­tur­al Church

Sit­u­at­ed high on a hill, the wood­en church that was

built in 1891 is one of the largest of its kind in Fin­land.

Open 26.6.–13.8. dai­ly 11–18. Dur­ing the sum­mer, the

church also arranges an art exhi­bi­tion.

Kirkkotie 16, 79700 HEINÄVESI

Tel. +358 400 484 237

3.4. Muse­ums

Heinävesi local

his­to­ry muse­um

The local his­to­ry muse­um presents

the his­to­ry of the region and

its inhab­i­tants, from  the comb

ceram­ic peri­od onwards.

Open in July

Kirkkotie 3

Tel. +358 40 7101 919

Varis­taipale Canal Muse­um

Exhi­bi­tions about build­ing the

canals and life near them.

Open from mid-June to mid-August dai­ly 10–18.

Tel. +358 29 534 300 or +358 400 634 826 (dur­ing open­ing hours)

Muse­um cab­in Ris­ki

An old log cab­in and smoke sauna

moved from Juojärvi’s island, at the

coast of Koski­järvi, in Heinävesi’s

Palok­ki. Th e muse­um exhibits,

e.g. a col­lec­tion of chain­saws that

are more than 250 years old and

a col­lec­tion of arte­facts. Open by

appoint­ment, accom­mo­da­tion for

10–12 peo­ple.

Tel. +358 400 174 617


The muse­um dis­plays wrought

iron works by five gen­er­a­tions

of met­al smiths as well as items

relat­ed to the Palok­ki sawmill,

vil­lage and rapids. Open dur­ing the sum­mer.

Luostar­i­tie 78, Palok­ki

Tel. +358 17 563 188

or +358 400 760 430

4.4. Shop­ping

In con­text of a hol­i­day, it is nice to also get to know the local shop­ping  pos­si­bil­i­ties.

Ceram­ics work­shop Inkari­ik­ka

High-qual­i­ty arts and crafts direct­ly

from the work­shop store. Besides

ceram­ics, local hand­made prod­ucts,

such as felt and glass works.

Open by appoint­ment.

Tel. +358 41 436 9346


Sou­venir shop Tuo­hus

Valamo Monastery

Vala­m­on­tie 42, 79850 UUSI-VALAMO

Tel. +358 17 570 111


Vala­m­on Viini­her­man Oy

The monastery’s own dessert,

sparkling, red and white wines, whisky

Valamo Monastery, Vala­m­on­tie 42,


Tel. +358 17 570 1501


Lin­tu­la Monastery´s  sou­venir shop

Crafts, tapers and icons.
Herbs and herbal teas from the convent’s own gar­den

as well as hon­ey.

Honkasa­lon­tie 3, 79860 PALOKKI

Tel. +358  40 485 7570

Terttu´s Flea Mar­ket

Askeltie 1; 79700 HEINÄVESIi

Tel. +358 40 174 9599

Torvela sum­mer shop and café

Jew­ellery and dec­o­ra­tive items made of recy­cled mate­ri­als,

as well as wood and tex­tile works.

Open dur­ing the sum­mer.

Torve­lantie 64, Heinävesi

Tel. +358 40 760 5649


Work Cen­tre Koske­lo

Wood and tex­tile prod­ucts from the Lev­änie­mi activ­i­ty

centre’s work­shop.

Tori­tie 3, Karvio

Tel. +358 40 594 9340

Suomen Parveke­varuste

Heat-treat­ed aspen-made, durable and rolling grilles

for damp areas. Open by appoint­ment.

Tel. +358 40 592 4349,



Wood­en cus­tom-made fur­ni­ture and gift items.

Open by appoint­ment.

Tel. +358 40 507 888


Local his­to­ry lit­er­a­ture in finnish lan­guage

Tel. +358 44 251 8771


4.1. Farm prod­ucts

Hasumäen huna­ja

Nat­ur­al flower hon­ey.

Tel. +358 400 271 735

Soile luomupuoti

Organ­ic foods, as well as the farm’s

own veg­eta­bles and berries accord­ing

to the sea­son.

Malkki­lantie 152, 79700 Heinävesi,

Tel. +358 40 7084 789

www.elisanet.fi /soilen_luomutila

Varis­taipale canal kiosk

Straw­ber­ries, pota­toes and veg­eta­bles

at har­vest time. Sold dur­ing the

sum­mer at Varis­taipale canal’s

park­ing lot.

Tel. +358 44 524 2207

4.2. Bak­ery

Home bak­ery and cater­ing

ser­vice Päivi Mikko­nen

Bread and con­fec­tionery prod­ucts

to order in Heinävesi.

At sum­mer sales at Heinävesi

Mar­ket Mon-Fri at 8–16,

Sat at 8–15

Tel. +358 40 564 4220

Karvio Neste

Oven fresh local malt bread.

Lep­ikkomäen­tie 1, 7910 KARVIONKANAVA

Tel. +358 17 563 641

Kahvio Saurus/ Ront­topuis­to

Fresh pas­tries every day dur­ing the


Luostar­i­tie 78, 79860 Palok­ki

Tel. +358 17 563 188,

+358 400 760 430

5. Restau­rants and cafés

Restau­rant Rafla Lät­ti

Lunch buf­fet dur­ing the week, music dur­ing the week­ends

Viras­toku­ja 1, 79700 Heinävesi

Tel. +358 46 563 3067

Restau­rant Trape­sa

Buf­fet every day at the Valamo


Tel. +358 17 570 111


Restau­rant Ker­mankei­das

Open 1.5.–10.9. in June, July and

August dai­ly, in May and Sep­tem­ber

only at week­ends. At oth­er times by


Tuvantie 1, 79910 Ker­ma

Tel. +358 17 566 191

or +358 400 312 131


Neste Cafe Koti­herkku

Lunch buf et on week­days,

Kotip­iz­za and Burg­er.

Ker­mantie 3, 79700 Heinävesi

Tel. +358 400 456 124

Pizze­ria Hilal

Askeltie 1, 79700 Heinävesi

tel.  +358 44 9620974

Neste Karvionkana­va

Lep­ikkomäen­tie 5, 79810 Karvio

Tel. +358 17 563 641


Karvion lomakeskus

Takun­lah­den­tie 2, 79810 Karvio

Tel. +358 17 563 603


Uit­to­tu­pa Café-Pub

Uiton­tie 1, 79810 Karvio

Tel. +358 40 512 4300

Karvion Kievari

Open by appoint­ment.

Lep­ikkomäen­tie 3, 79810 Karvionkana­va

Tel. +358 17 563 504

Lin­tu­la monastery café

Open 1.6.–31.8.

Honkasa­lon­tie 3, 79860 Palok­ki

Tel. +358  40 485 7558

Heinävesi vil­lage mar­ket

square cafe

Open dur­ing the sum­mer Mon-Fri

8–16, Sat 8–15


Cafe­te­ria Saurus,


Open from June to August 10–18.

Luostar­i­tie 78, 79860 Palok­ki

Tel. +358 17 563 188

or +358 400 760 430

6. Accom­mo­da­tion

Hotel Valamo monastery and Gue­strooms

Vala­m­on­tie 42, 79850 Uusi-Valamo

Tel. +358 17 570 111


Karvio Lomakeskus resort

Takun­lah­den­tie 2, 79810 Karvionkana­va

Tel. +358 17 563 603


Karvion kievari

Lep­ikkomäen­tie 3 A,

79810 Karvionkana­va

Tel. +358 17 563 504


Accom­mo­da­tion in a beau­ti­ful

canal and rapids area. The main

house has 5 spa­cious bed­rooms

and the Vahti­tu­pa  build­ing can
accom­mo­date 10 peo­ple.

Tuvantie 1, 79910 Ker­ma,

Tel. +358 17 566 191


Lake Fin­land Guest­house

High-qual­i­ty guest house with 20

beds, sauna, self-cater­ing kitchens

and activ­i­ties. Reser­va­tions in advance.

Heinäve­den­tie 141, Sap­pu, Ker­ma

Tel. +358 44 050 5121

www.lakefi nland.fi

Lin­tu­la Convent’s

guest rooms

Honkasa­lon­tie 3, Palok­ki

Tel. +358  40 485 7558

Majat­a­lo Kotipuro

Accom­mo­da­tion in an idyl­lic rur­al


Kotipuron­tie 3, 79910 Ker­ma

Tel. +358 40 5781 842


Säynämö Camp Cen­tre

Cot­tages, rooms, as well as tent and

car­a­van spaces.

Som­pasaar­en­tie 42,

79700 Heinävesi


Vil­la Sil­lan­pää

One apart­ment with an out­door

sauna and bar­beque.

Luostar­i­tie 37 A, Varis­taipale

Tel. +358 45 673 3841


Luot­si Hous­es
Tyynelä and Lähtevä

At the shore of Taival­lahti canal in


Tel. +358 50 911 6354


7. Events

The region’s live­ly event life offers some­thing for every­one.

7.1.  Exhi­bi­tions


Via Fin­lan­dia – mas­ters of the gold­en era

of the Finnish art

at Valamo Monastery, open Mon-Sat 10–17,

Sun and church fes­ti­vals 12–17


Russ­ian artist Iri­na Zatulovskaja’s exhi­bi­tion

at Valamo Monastery, open Mon-Sat 10–17,

Sun and church fes­ti­vals 12–17


Art Exhi­bi­tion at Heinävesi Church

Since 2005, an art exhi­bi­tion has been arranged in

Heinävesi’s bright church in coop­er­a­tion with the

church and the munic­i­pal­i­ty. Over the years the

exhi­bi­tion has fea­tured well-known artists’ work on a

local and nation­al lev­el.

7.2. Sum­mer The­atre


Karvio The­atre

The Valamo Trilogy’s, i.e. the third part of the play

ensem­ble about the post-war his­to­ry of the Valamo

Monastery and the encoun­ter­ing of cul­tures, ”New

Spir­it ” is shown at Karvio canal in Heinävesi.


7.3. Music


Heinävesi 11th

Music Fes­ti­val

Con­certs in the church, monastery,

and in the nature. Helsin­ki

Sin­foni­et­ta con­certs under the

direc­tion of renowned con­duc­tors.

High qual­i­ty soloist con­certs and laid

back club nights. Ortho­dox Church

music is also part of the pro­gramme.



Varis­taipale 29th Park


Nice music is enjoyed at

Vari­ran­ta beach

7.4. Oth­ers


But­ter­fly tour and sum­mer night tour

At Mat­ti­la Farm in Heinävesi, Vihtari

#nature­days #Finland100


Fal­li in love with sum­mer nights at Kolovesi

-Lady of the Lake  elec­tric ves­sel cruis­es


24.6., 8.7.,20.7.,29.7.,5.8.

Tra­di­tion­al open-air dances

Ker­mankos­ki stage

At Heinävesi


Yana­gi Judo Camp

Inter­na­tion­al judo camp in Heinävesi

29.6., 6.7.,13.7.,20.7.,27.7.

Mar­kets with pro­gramme

on Thurs­days

At Heinävesi

Mar­ket square at 17–19


Heinävesi Canal

Row­ing Regat­ta

80 km long route from Valamo

Har­bour towards the Heinävesi

Route, a nation­al her­itage land­scape.



Var­i­ous events along the Heinävesi water route

on canals and piers. We fol­low the Pui­jo vessel’s jour­ney

from Kuo­pio to Savon­lin­na.

See timetable www.mspuijo.fi



The atmos­phere of this tra­di­tion­al

reli­gious Kirkas­tusjuh­lat event is unique.

The peo­ple walk up to the top of

Finland’s high­est church hill to a

stun­ning wood­en church, and in

the back­ground glis­tens the blue

Lake Ker­ma­järvi. Kirkas­tusjuh­lat

have been part of Heinävesi’s

sum­mer since 1947.



Local tra­di­tion­al fes­ti­val

around Heinävesi Church and Rur­al muse­um

Kirkkotie, 79700 Heinävesi


Heinävesi Vauh­ti­a­jot

An action-packed grav­i­ty car race

for all ages. The race­track pass­es

down the church hill to the port.

More infor­ma­tion about the event

on the Face­book page.


Our ortho­dox cul­ture her­itage

Fin­land 100 years cel­e­bra­tion sem­i­nar

At Valamo Insti­tute


8. Info


Tourist office
Ker­man­ran­nantie 7
Tel. +358 40 710 1919
[email protected]